Blog categorized as Event Cancellation


Whilst the majority of event cancellation and contingency insurance policies will contain some kind of Communicable Disease exclusion, the option has always been available to write this cover back into the policy for an additional premium - *subject to underwriter acceptance.

Under the EventCover wor...

02.03.20 01:42 PM - Comment(s)
Event Terrorism Insurance Part 2
An Act of Terrorism Vs Threat of Terrorism Vs Fear of Terrorism
14.05.19 10:49 AM - Comment(s)
What happens when the Queen dies?
What happens when the Queen dies?
04.06.18 11:17 AM - Comment(s)
Event Terrorism Insurance
Event Terrorism Insurance
29.05.18 08:15 AM - Comment(s)
What is Event Cancellation Insurance?
What is Event Cancellation Insurance?
09.05.18 08:12 AM - Comment(s)